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28 Aug

Chapter 3: BULLET tips to Ideal Weight


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This article is part of an article series: "About your body weight"
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Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to "the ORIGIN"

Chapter 3:
“The FUN”
3.0 Meet 'em Head on!!!
3.1 The Physical Aspects
3.2 The Mindset
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3.0 Meet 'em Head on !!!

We have discussed the basics (on previous chapter) and now it’s time for the FUN part.

In this Chapter, we will be focusing directly on "How to" part of the question. After completion of this chapter, you will be having all the needed wisdom for your journey.

Grab a glass of water and, let’s roll. 


This section of chapter is separated in two main aspects; that are crucial on gaining the Ideal Weight.

  • The Physical Aspects(incl. food, water and physical activity)
  • The Mindset (incl. thoughts, emotions and mental environment) 


Note that the ideas and tips listed here are actually targeted for losing extra weight so you might have to tweak some ideas to benefit your goal.


3.1  The Physical Aspects

In this section, we will be covering the physical aspects that directly or indirectly effects the weight system in our body.

This includes :

  • Food: that we eat
  • Water: and fluids
  • Physical activity: that we do

3.2  The Mindset

In this section, we will be covering the needed type of mindset that impacts the weight system in our body.

This includes :

  • Thoughts: what you think
  • Emotions: how you feel
  • Environment: what you are surrounded with


Continue to Chapter 3.1: The Physical

Continue to Chapter 3.2: The Mindset

Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to "the ORIGIN"


It is highly recommended to counsel with your health service provider, physician or an expert before adding any diet plans, habits and routines.
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