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28 Aug

Chapter 3.2: The Mindset

Ext. of Chapter 3

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This article is part of an article series: "About your body weight"
Part 3.2 of 5

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Chapter 3.2
“The Mindset”
3.2.1 Being Hero
3.2.2 Journey
3.2.3 Gang Up
3.2.4 Take a Breather
3.2.5 Best Person
3.2.6 Food
3.2.7 Keep a Journal
3.2.8 Your mind
Follow this link to the FULL CONTENT menu.


We nailed down the physical side of the story, now let’s talk about the mindset.

Here, we will be discussing about the emotional, mental and environmental aspects needed, that which will act as the supporting pillars for you to get back in shape.

Now, take a sip of that water and let’s get started without delay.

The Mindset

3.2.1 Being HERO?! Well You Be Better Equipped Then

Don’t be a “all can do” guy. Go slow, chunk down your goals to simple and easily understandable pieces. You can even add phrases that can make you remember. And write it down.

The main idea here is most of try to do many things in one go. But harsh reality is that it can never be done.

Our brain is wired to do a single task at a time. With practice you may be able to do many tasks simultaneously but that is strongly not recommended as it creates a lot of unnecessary toll in both your mind and body. And you know what happens when there is stress.

While forming a new habit, it’s easier and heavily functional when you break down it to certain realistic goals.

Like, start with committing yourself to cut down 25 % of total carbs that you are consuming for a week. Or you can just cut down in each last meal for 7 days and then carry on to next step. You just have to eat probably 50 gms less rice during that meal. Which is just few spoons.

Or, just start your day with drinking water. Bring a glass of water near to your bed and drink it tomorrow morning.

It’s quite easy isn’t it?

Get creative on how to chunk down, use ideas that suits you.


As a house is made by putting one brick with other in certain alignment, you will also achieve the desired and deserved result by putting one step at a time in your journey to an ideal weight.

Remember to do one thing at a time. You will actually have a lot of work done rather being blown by the pressure as like that in pressure cooker.


3.2.2 Journey: Enjoy The Process.

We often relate the Food as a reward and Exercise as a punishment. That’s the kind of mindset what makes hurdle for you. Get rid of this.

You are actually practicing self-care and safe-love. Why this should be looked as an unfavorable thing?

Now let me ask you: Do fit people quit eating healthy food and exercise? The answer is no. Everyone knows this. If they stop doing things that actually make them fit then they will eventually fall. And most of 'em were as you and I are now.

So, don’t be ashamed to run just because your stomach is bouncing. You are doing for you own care, why should it matter about what other’s think.

Even if you can’t ignore then go to gym. I am sure there are lot of people like you and lot of fit people who will actually guide and motivate you (if you are humble enough).

If going to gym is also an issue, then start your practice at home. You can move out when you are ready. You can get reference and basic exercise videos all over the internet. Use your resources.

Again if you have issue in starting at home then go to bathroom, lock yourself and do wall pushups or sit ups.

The idea is; don’t look for excuses. Look for the solution and you will find one.

And this is not just only for the exercise but for the food selection as well. Don’t be afraid to put that extra spoon of rice back to pot. Not many will acknowledge your actions but eventually they will when they start to see that you are actually serious about it.


Remember that you are not the selected one (actually, if you are reading this than maybe) that have to fight. There are lot of people and some are in more bad state than you have. They didn’t hide behind excuses. They kept moving, finding their way through whatever sized rocks were placed before them.

And it should not be of much bother if you couldn’t achieve the desired results. Some will reach earlier, some on time and some will reach later. Be patience with yourself and keep UP!


3.2.3  Gang Up: Call Up For Arms

As already mentioned above, call for the supports; especially those who can give you that mental and emotional and even physical support on your journey.

Be it be your mother, father, brother, sister, friend or neighbor or even your ex. Just ring ‘em up.

Attract yourself with positivity and motivated individuals and no matter how far or hard the road is (actually it won’t be that hard), your path will be glowing with lights.

All you have to do is walk the path laid by your GANG.

3.2.4  Take A Breather: Just Relax And Breath

Before starting anything, be it be when you enter a gym or when you just wake up; relax for a while. Take few deep breaths and recollect your thoughts on focus on the upcoming task. That’s all.

When stress or anxiety arises, do the same. You will be amazed by how strong and effectively this works.

3.2.5  Best Person: Be Your Own Wingman (*My Fav')

Not much to say here but if you aren’t your best person, a person that motivates you, that lifts you up or enjoys the process with you or just be there for you; then you are actually in a bad company.

No matter how many close friend(s) you may have, you are the only person who spends the most time with you. Isn’t it so?

So, make yourself your best friend. At least even when no one is there, you will always be with you.

3.2.6  Food: Don’t get too choosy.

One of the most common problem seen when we actually start to act (*on above provided steps) is that we tend to become more choosy and critical. We start to become hard on ourselves, especially in food choices (you can relate). We start to get emotional when we don’t get what we want.

An egoistic and self-centered nature gets build up inside us and we start to like a long faced serious rock. You might have probably experienced this with your colleagues or families. And this happens naturally.

Too much good is also evil as too much sweet doesn't really tastes sweet, does it?

So, just take a breather, pull yourself out of this and remember that food is just a food (* or any other thing). With a little bit more exercise or a good food tomorrow or later that day will help you get rid of those extras.

But, this doesn’t mean you can do it frequently.

Discipline is must but being serious is not. Get wild on weekends and again get back to your routine. You will catch up with your rhythm.


Sometimes you may have urge to grab a late night snack or something. To avoid adding negative values, fill your cabinet with good food like some fruits or nuts.
Remember how much effort you have put into this. Don’t let it all go in one (or few) sweeps.


3.2.7  Keep A Journal: Record your every moves

So, you finished that water, didn't you?

Mark that in your diary. Mark everything that you do throughout the day. No need to filter out. Just start for now. Later you will know what to do with those entries.

Record all your moves, as the title suggests. Be it good or bad, don’t judge.

3.2.8  You mind is like what your surroundings looks like

The bed is messy, litter around the bin or clothes on the chair, or maybe that suitcase hasn't seen light (*of hope) in years?

Psychological researches points that it is actually the real condition of your inner environment. All cluttered and messy, piled and blocked.

Or the leak on that wall, with which you have learnt to live, perhaps.

Now, what to do? You know the answer, don't you?
If you don't then scroll up and study agian.


This is all there is to know(basics) on mindset.
Slow and steady has been and will always wins. But to win you have to complete the race.
Take your own pace, and remember to have fun during the process.

Grab another glass of water and review all the heading listed in this article. No need to dive in, just give a quick look.

Are you done? Ok then that’s all you need to know. Start with a small step and increase gradually when you are acustomed to it. That's the key.


Continue to Chapter 4: Last Words"The Conclusion"

Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to "the ORIGIN"







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