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26 Aug

Chapter 1: It's all about you

The Beginning

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This article is part of an article series: "About your body weight"

1 of 5

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Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to "the ORIGIN"

Chapter 1:  
1.0  It’s all about you.“The Beginning”
1.1  A short intro!
1.2  Theme of writing this series
1.3  Walkthrough
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The Beginning

1.0 It's all about you

You may not believe this but our body speaks. The thing is, we weren't just listening (probably for a long time) and that's what causes the real issue. That can be one of the most important reason why your body is not the way you want it to be.

You simply weren't aware.

Your body keeps sending signs and signals to you each and every time, be it be good or bad. But, it is just ignored; as like that tip of your nose. We have become so much accustomed to automation and distraction, especially due to modern environment, that we just don't know what is going on within us. 

Only time we become aware is when something big happens. And, usually, it's probably late.

Keeping all these in mind, what this article series is thrieving for, is to make you more conscious on your choices and make yourself intune with your body.

Remember, your body is your temple. Always keep this in mind.

1.1  A short intro!

After years of thorough research and real-time analysis, we have set an internet based article series in the theme "human body weight and its management".

This series is published on the basis of trending questionaries on lifestyle and health under the verification and guidance of renowned nutritionists, doctors (ayurvedic, naturopathic, allopathic, homeopathic), psychologists, physiologists, spiritual gurus and even our sages.

The ideas, tips and knowledge listed in this series are not just only focused on weight but in overall wellbeing as well. So, you might get more than what you asked for.

We have tried to squeeze those years and years of wisdom, research, knowledge and experiences as much as it was possible, all under just 5, easily graspable chapters.

1.2  Theme of writing this series

It is not just one but many. Although, the main theme is to solve all common related issues on given topic and a light intention to make you conscious on what you do, especially with your body.

The basics we are trying to achieve via this article series are listed below:

  • An easy and proven methodology to solve underlying issues on human health.

  • Verified and researched knowledge, wisdom and tips based on actual facts and information.

  • Well analyzed data and reports.

  • Awareness and assist to the readers and viewers in taking conscious steps towards health related choices.


So, this series will be revolving around these ideas, making you clear from those myths and false ideologies, that which have been haunting; preety much for a long time.


1.3 Walkthrough

Let's take a quick insight on the topics that we are going to discuss along this series.

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Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to the ORIGIN
Chapter 1

The Beginning” 
1.0  It’s all about you.
Quick talk on your relation with the body.

1.1  A short intro!
Introduces this series to you.

1.2  Theme of writing this series
Gives a glimpse on the objectives that this series wants to achieve with you.

1.3  Walkthrough
You are here!

Chapter 2

The Introduction
Weight and relation with metabolism.

2.1  What is weight, actually?
Talks about core and basic meaning of weight.

2.2  How weight is gained in our body?
Briefly discuss on the how and what makes your body to form weight

2.3  Metabolism and its role on our body.
Briefly explains about metabolism, how it forms, its uses and role.

Chapter 3

The Fun
BULLET Tips to gain ideal weight

3.0  Meet 'em Head on!!!
Time to take action, face your fears.

3.1  The Physical Aspect
Briefly explains on physical aspects of weight management.
Includes food, water and exerciese.

3.2  The Mindset
Briefly explains on the mental aspects of weight management.
Includes thoughts, emotions and environment.

Chapter 4

The Conclusion”: Last Words. 
Presents safety guidelines,  writer's view on this series, references and sources and disclaimer. 



Continue to Chapter 2:"The Introduction"
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It is highly recommended to counsel with your health service provider, physician or an expert before adding any diet plans, habits and routines.
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