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28 Aug

Chapter 3.1: The Physical Aspects

Ext. of Chapter 3

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This article is part of an article series: "About your body weight"
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Chapter 3.1
“The Physical Aspects”
3.1.1 Water: Give A kickstart
3.1.2 Food: Know what you eat
3.1.3 Go low carb diet
3.1.4 Eat more fiber
3.1.5 Make place for raw foods
3.1.6 Consdier high protein diets
3.1.7 Avoid sugar based drinks
3.1.8 Focus on whole food
3.1.9 Fats
3.1.10 Physical: incl. sub headings
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The Physical Aspects

3.1.1 Water: Give a kick start to your metabolism

Water is life, consuming water to its optimum will give you miraculous results and boosting metabolism is just one of them.

Drink water, (warm or cold, it doesn’t much matter. see what you are more comfortable with) 500ml. for approx. 30-45 minutes earlier every meal. By doing this, you will be boosting your metabolism by 25-30% for 60 to 90 minutes. This will help you burn more calories, helps in better digestion and also makes you less prone to eating more (than needed).

Try not to consume water during meal and after meal for about 45 minutes. Even if you have to, just take a sip. Just don’t gobble up the whole glass, that is actually considered not good practice.

Add a habit of drinking water first thing in the morning when you get up. It’s great for bowel movements as well. Continue drinking throughout the day. You can add lemon with black salt for change in taste. Lemon (all citric plants) helps in cutting fats as well.

Practice sitting down comfortably while drinking or eating as standing and consuming is related to some serious health hazards.

Take a regular bath/shower (and I know most of us don’t), as body needs to regulate the temperature and thus consumes more calories.


How much water do you need? Here is an easy formula: your weight/20. Ex: 80kg/20 = 4ltrs. This much liter(s) of water is needed for you. Note that it may vary acc. to age, activity and environment but gives you a rough idea.


Did you finish your water?

3.1.2 Food: Know what youe eat and you shall flourish


Starving to lose weight is actually a false ideology. This will put yourself in more haphazard. Loss of energy, mental imbalances, laziness are just the surface and it takes a huge toll on your body.
And eating more than needed is also as bad as starving.

Know that the food you eat is converted into energy (calories). And these, if unchecked for certain time, leads to the issues like diziness, loss of body balance, gastritis, ulcer, diabetes, blood pressure, you name it


Probably around 65-75% of diseases can be cured if you just manage this "food" part. Exercises comes later.

An ideal calorie scale is less than 2,000 calories for female and around 2,400 for male. See the table below to get for quick reference.





Fairly Active*































3.1.3  Go low carb diet, and not low fat diet.


What this means is watch out for the calories that is added from carbohydrates in your food cos’ that’s the real villain.

Refined and polished carbohydrates sources like that in sugar and grains (bread, pasta, noodles, rice, etc.) have been stripped of fibrous and nutritious value. So, focus on natural fiber food and commit to low-carb diet. This is around 2-3 times more effective then low fat diet.


Avoid anything that is polished or refined, it’s a waste and does more harm than good.
Use smaller plates (more on this on Chapter 3.2: the Mindset ).


3.1.4  Eat more fiber rich food.


Add more fiber to your plate, especially viscous(sticky) fiber.

Fiber rich (soluble) foods actually has a unique way of entering your system. Soluble fiber passes through the digestive system and goes to your friendly bacteria which eat it and turn them into usable energy. This is called fermentable fiber which are very beneficial for maintain health and body weight.


Remember that viscous fiber is only found in plant based food.
Most whole foods, vegetables and fruits are rich in fiber. Search up and see what you can add to your diet.


3.1.5  Make place for raw foods in your plate.

Around 20-30 % of your total food that you consume on daily basis should be raw. This may include fruits, vegetables and nuts.

Eating vegetables and fruits (in both cooked and uncooked) is very health friendly and as they have high fiber count, they will make you fuller and greatly help you on your weight loss journey.

Nuts, on the other hand provides useful nutrients and vitamins as well.


Remember, anything that makes you energized while consuming less carb is a good choice.
But be aware of fake, refined and processed and advertisements. Watch out for the ingredients and total contents.


3.1.6  Consider high protein based diet.

Be it be from meat or lentils, proteins are actually what we need for the building blocks of cells and also to grow your muscle mass.

It is the single most important nutrient to lose weight and one of the easiest and a tasty way as well.

Especially if you are involved in more than moderate physical activity, eat more protein based diet (you may already know this, don't you?) as when body starts to consume calories, it may switche to your muscle mass if energy is insufficient while preserving the fat deposits for future usage.

This is also the reason why starvation is not so good idea. As along with fat, muscle mass is also reduced. As a result, body functions weakly and one day the case will come when it will be hard to turn back as well. Add more protein to your diet, as most protein sourced food have fibrous content and have lower calories but makes you full throughout the day.

For starter, try adding 25% of your daily diet with lean protein.

Good sources of protein are found in our regular foods like salmon, chicken breast, lentils, pulses, eggs, beans and legumes, and many more. More on these on later posts.

Use supplements of whey protein or protein powder if you struggle to get protein to your diet.


Eating a high protein based diet has shown to boost metabolism by 80-100 calories while shaving off around 400-500 calories per day off your diet.
This is actually a huge boost to cut off that extra calories.


3.1.7  Avoid sugar based drinks: No soda or fruit juice.

Bluntly saying, sugar is bad! period*. It can be even worse than any drug addiction. And when it is in liquid form, it’s acts as poison. This, sugar, is one of the biggest reason why you may be gaining weight despite of all the hard works. And sadly, it has entered into daily lives of all, even children.

Sugary drinks are directly related to obesity. Various researches states that about 60-75% of weight gain issues are in direct connection with consumption of sugar.

This applies to those shelfed fruit juice as well, they contain almost similar amount of sugar as that in any soda like coke and Pepsi.


So, you are buying fruit juice or a soda, by considering its health benefits, you are actually buying poison in disguise. A lesser one but a sure one.
Better eat a whole fruit or even two.
Self-blended juices are not bad but it’s always better to eat food as a whole, isn't it?


3.1.8  Focus on whole food: That what which is actuallywhole !

Food that are not refined or processed is a whole food. These types of food are generally close to their natural state and don’t have any added sugars, flavors, starches and chemicals.

In whole foods, all the nutrients are preserved and are in their natural compounds. Some of them may be slightly processed and refined to make for availability and edibility.

Some of the common whole foods to consider in your menu are: eggs, leafy greens, boiled potatoes, whole grains (barley, millet, brown rice, quinoa), milk (especially raw and unpasteurized), meat (those without much added antibiotics and hormones), salad greens, frozen (these are minimally processed).

Do you know any other?


Avoid foods that are heavily processed, have refined carbohydrates, with added sugars.


3.1.9  Fats: That which are actually good for you.

Firstly, completely clear your mind from this fake rumor that fats are bad. Some are but not all.

Without fats present in the body, you will always be feeling little numb and less energized as fats helps in absorbing some nutrients and fat-soluble vitamins that are used to produce important hormones, your cell growth will slow down drastically. Summing up, fats are crucial for proper and optimum functioning of body.

Fats are one of the major source of energy which are stored in body’s fat tissue, which releases fatty acids when energy is required. In fact, about 9 kcal is formed if you consume 1 gm, whereas proteins and carbohydrates provides only about 4 kcal per gram. This shows that fat is the most concentrated source to provide energy.

Although, fats are good, consuming high amount of it leads to various health risks like cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. In moderate it works wonders but in excess it blocks the passages of blood and nutrients flow, making your body prone to diseases. And if there is lesser amount of fats in body, you know what happens.

This all is heavily dependent on what type of fat you consume. The saturated and trans fats have negative impact in the body and raises bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in your blood. Whereas, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats helps the body to lower bad cholesterol levels when consumed as part of a healthy diet.

Some of the healthy fats to add to your diet are: Olive oil, Coconut oil, full fat yogurt, Avocado, salmon.

Want to learn more on cholesterol? Follow to this link to get a quick note.


Remember to check your fat consumption rate. Always add little amount of good fats to your diet.


And don't forget to drink some water.

3.1.10  Physical: Activities, Routines And Exercises.

Getting to shape, toning your body or having an energetic and healthy lifestyle... If you are looking for these things, then physical activities are must.

Ever wondered how your beloved celebrities are so fit even in their 40s and 50s? They just were conscious of what food they keep in their body and keep boosting up their cardio. Many hit the gym or do self-workout as well.

Here are some special BULLET tips for you. Try applying each one of these and see the miracle.


Get a good sleep: Don’t ignore it.

With activity, there comes need to rest. And sleep is the best rest you can provide.

Ever wondered why no matter what you do, that belly fat just doesn’t go? Researches suggests that sleep has good amount of relation to this.

A person with good and sound sleep in right amount, at same time, has better body and mental functions as all the organs gets rest and are re-vitalized and metabolic rates also rises up.

So, get a good sleep on exact same time. The ideal scale is around 6-8 hours for adults and 7-9 hours for children. * This may differ according to the food that you eat, the amount of physical activity and your own body.

If you want to decrease your sleep amount, then try reducing the food that takes higher time to digests. But be wary of your calorie requirement as well.

Have a good bowel movement: Time is precious don’t waste in toilet.

This point is actually related to inner physical activity and is food’s last stop. It is directly proportional to both physical and mental aspects.

Having a healthy diet with good amount of physical activity will help you achieve a good bowel movement. Take a quick look on these easy ideas to get that bowel moving.
  • Drink plenty of water. Did you finish that water?
  • Add fiber food slowly as your body needs time to adopt the changes.
  • Eat more fruits, vegetables and nuts.
  • Cut irritating foods like alcohol, caffeinated drinks, fatty and spicy foods.
  • Keep the body moving.
  • Correct your posture. Do it now.
  • Prepare yourself mentally: It is natural. Don’t hold yourself; go if needed.
  • Try creating a calm and stress free environment: You might not believe but stress does affect your bowel pattern.
  • Maintain a good routine: Be it be morning, afternoon or evening. But morning is best.


Get your heart rate up: Do some aerobics and cardio

Take control of your body and it shall help giving you what you desire.

Physical exercise is must, especially in today’s world. When your heart rate alleviates; it burns more calories. So, the idea is to grab your shoes and start running or jumping or dancing or whatever makes your heart rate go up.

Add some exercises that moves your whole body: Jumping jacks, burpee, cycling, swimming, boxing, dancing, trekking, gymnastics.
One other thing you must consider is to look out for plateauing your progress. This happens when your body gets accustomed to certain exercise routines. Easy way to avoid this is to add variations, maybe weekly.

Best time to do exercise is around 4-6 am and 3-6 pm as this time your body is naturally more active.

Remember to avoid alleviating heart rate before and after meal and before sleep for about 30-45 minutes.

Another way of burning up calories is doing chores. Yeah, I feel you, now, don’t be lazy.

Hit some weights: Lift a dumbbell or that rice sack

As the topic says, start going to gym and involve in some weight lifting and resistance activities.

As one of the worse side effects of dieting (not that useful, is it?) is that it causes muscle loss and slowdowns metabolic rates of the body and leads your body to starvation mode.

To avoid this, lift weights as it will boost your metabolic rates and also helps to gain muscle mass (if added with protein diet).

Resistance exercises like string pulling, rock-climbing are best for getting that toned body.

So, what are you waiting for? Pull that water from that well.

Walk: which is Probably the best idea.

Nothing much here to say but one thing, just start walking.

Our body structure is actually more efficient when we walk. A lot of researches on human physiology points towards this.

WHO suggests that to have a healthy life one should walk at-least 8,000 steps i.e. about 6.5 km.  This burns 264 calories on average. *Note that weight and height makes differences.

Well, this might be hard at first but you can reach this target easily.
Take few breaks and walk around the block, do morning and evening walks, use foot to travel short distances like reaching your neighbor or friend house which is few blocks away and make use of treadmills while listening your favorite song.

By doing these simple activities you can easily reach the goal.
Remember that every steps counts. So, keep moving.

Get some SUN energy

Sun is the main source of energy for whole planet. So, there is no doubt that this helps you.

Exposing yourself to sun, especially in morning before 10 am is highly beneficial for your health. It makes your bones and muscle to function more while releasing stress, increases the serotine level in your body which makes you feel good. It also boosts your metabolism as well.

So, take some of that free and powerful energy. You can get this with your morning walks.


So, how many of these tips you can add to your life?
5? or 10? or maybe all !


This is all there is to know(basics) on the "physical" side of story. Do yourself some genuine research on foods and exercises AND work with a schedule and a good environment that suits your body.

Make a habit of drinking water. Grab another glass of water now.


Continue to Chapter 3.2: The Mindset

Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to "the ORIGIN"












It is highly recommended to counsel with your health service provider, physician or an expert before adding any diet plans, habits and routines.
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