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28 Aug

Chapter 4: Last Words

The Conclusion

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This article is part of an article series: "About your body weight"
Part 4 of 5

The Conclusion

Last Words

It's sad to say that many have parted with us. Some gave up in the Beginning and some when the Fun had just started. Not many could make it!

The number, it's roughly around 2% of you who are from the Origin. So, Congratulations!(maybe)

You have now gained an arsenal of well-resourced tools. Now, how you are going to use?, it's upto you.

Use your tools, be familiar with the tactics. FAIL and fail more. And get up again, get up one more time than you fail. Just put your thoughts, your body and your soul into it... Do this and it will be not much far to triumph that victory.

And I guarantee that you will get what you deserved, for what you have worked, for the kind of seed that you have planted.

Find the right balance. Not just in food or exercise, but in each and every deed.


By the way, if you have followed all the way through to this part of the series AND have finished that last sip from your glass of water then you have burnt around 412 calories.

Add 80 more calories, if you had got your water yourself while maintaining a correct posture through out this series.

That's about 30 minutes of football; 40 minutes of sking; 3000+ jumps while skipping and 10,000+ steps of walking.


The real JOURNEY has just begun. What's your next move?

With billions of Strong Wishes! (*7.8 and rising)
Vivek Jung Hamal
Seeker | Influencer 


Wanna know where all this begun? Follow this link to "the ORIGIN"
Missed out anything? Follow this link to the FULL CONTENT



Internet Sites




Ancient Ayurveda, Sharngadhara Samhita
The Science of Homeopathy, George Vithoulkas
Medicine and cure, Robin Cook
Your Body is your temple, Terri Watts
Don't Sweat the small stuff, Richard Carlson
Art of Healthy living with food, Dr.Narendra Hamal
On food, body and nutrition, Dr.Sebi
Human Anatomy and Physiology, several
Rig Veda, ancient ayurvedic verses
Charak Samhita, Acharya Charak
Naturopathy and Yoga, several
Reactive emotions and chemistry, several
Food body, Sadhguru
Panchagavya, Rajiv Dixit
The Intelligent Being
Mother Earth, several
Power of your Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy
Psychology, several


By J.K. Krishnamurthy
By Bill Davenhall
By Dr Narendra Hamal
By Rajiv Dixit
By Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
By Dr Sebi
By Vic Stretcher
By Sanjay Gupta
By Dan Buettner

Special thanks to
Ayur Sadan Pvt. Ltd, for sponsering and for the platform
Sameer Twayana, for techincal supports and decisons
Abhishek Hamal for editiorial support
AND to YOU for taking care of yourself





... Finally done! Was quite harder than thought. But did great! and enjoyed a lot. *self pat.

... I should probably have titled this not as "Last Words" but as "Last sentences" !? 

Huh!! You Sill here ?!
Well, it seems you'll like this. Here, follow through this link
Take it as a "parting GIFT"!







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