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20 Aug

What about Money?

Trending Q/A

Blog | Wisdom | Experience
3 minutes read.
Let's talk about it.

What about "Wealth"?

You see, wealth is necessary; it helps to fulfill ones' main necessities. But when people starts relating their wants, desires and wishes as needs, no matter how much wealth one allocates, it won't ever be of suffice for them.
Why? you may ask. Cos' wants are limitless. One goes, several comes in. And to complete those wishes, humans start to make accumulating wealth as their main goal. Then he starts to become greedy. He forgets that the purpose of life is to be closer to that ultimate truth or consciousness but becomes indulged in these puny desires to accumulate what one day will be gone.
These greedy people will still be angry and in pain, lying on the their death bed, thinking what they didn't get, thinking what has been left to achieve. Even being on his last moment, he won't even think for a second about that ultimate consciousness. He doesn't even realizes how wasteful his life has been, running after temporary things.

Just like that businessman

That businessman who had everything; who had all the wealth to fulfill his needs. He had a house, a small one but more than enough for his family. He had no issues in fulfilling the needs of all. Everyone in his family were fully fed and sheltered and insured. He had a good social status as well.


But, he was always in deep stress. He was always thinking of how he can enhance his wealth. Although he had everything, a house, food on the table, clothes to wear, a loving wife, two healthy children, he was never happy inside. Because he was always thinking of what - what things he didn't have.
One day, someone said to him that by doing certain things he can fulfill all his desires. Being consumed by greed, he started doing all those required tasks; be it good or bad, would it even matter? To him?
After years and years of strong dedication, he was finally able to fulfill all his wishes. He had became so strong and able that once he place his foot on something, it would become his.
But... only one thing he couldn't fulfill was his greed.
One step, two steps, three steps.... it went on and on. It went on to the point where he couldn't gather a strength to move a single step. He had became old and feeble. All his life, was spent running. Neither he cherished what he had, nor he was ever satisfied.
The only wealth that was left were the clothes and jewelry on his body. And that also deemed not worthy enough.
He had nothing but everything but now he have everything but nothing.
That also wouldn't matter now. Would it?
"The family?", you may ask. They were long gone, and the bitter part is he didn't even remember when and how.

The bottom line :

Knowing the differences between the necessities and desires is must. And many of us fail in this. We add desires to necessities and ruin the essence of it.
No matter how much wealth we may have or accumulate, after fulfilling the necessities, all are desires and wants.
There are loads of things that comes in between desires and wants. These all are time-bombs where you unsure about the time of explosion.
Sometimes you contain them, sometimes you let em go bOOm!

Now, let me ask you. What is "wealth"? Need or desire.

- sageKing
#rajrishi #sageking TreeBeard
 *More on these on later dates. Stay Connected ! Stay Strong !